A responsive Blogger template has the capability to fit screen
resolutions of different devices including Laptops, iPhones, iPads,
Tablets and Smartphones. It helps you to reach your audience in a better
way through Smartphones and tablets which provides a decent enough user
experience. At MyBloggerLab, we aren’t using responsive design instead
we are relying on Static design that does not change its resolution
automatically. While many of Blogger templates are responsive templates,
we felt that it is necessary to have an article dedicated to only for
the best responsive templates for Blogger. The criteria of ranking these
templates is user experience, flexible design, easy to customize, and
fully responsive themes.
FlatMag is based on a Flat UI interface which basically looks a lot
cleaner than most of the Blogger templates. It has a lot of pre-added
widgets that works a lot better than most of the others. Since, it is
responsive, so it looks stunningly awesome on all devices.
Bresponsive is a multipurpose responsive Blogger template suitable for
almost all kinds of blogs or magazine based websites. It has stylish as
well as minimalistic layout that gives you the best of best user
experience. It also has many custom post type gadgets including multi
tabbed sidebar and lots of customizable stuff.
Themeforest’s BPress is a highly responsive Blogger theme ideal for news
builliton and magazine based websites. It comes with a lot of custom
widgets and designs. It has multiple colors and would certainly help
users to make it a lot better than original, so it is a win, win, win
for both developer and the website owners.
Sensational is a WordPress adopted Blogger template. It can accommodate
everything that related a blog. In short, it is ideal for sites that are
updated on a daily basis. It has a responsive menu and extremely clean
and minimalistic design that would surely amuse your readers.
5.Grid Spot:
Grid Spot is extremely stylish and elegant responsive blogger template
that comes with a lot of custom gadgets. It has a lot of cool jQuery
effect that gives your site an exciting new overview. Another thing that
it has is Custom Comment style, which is totally amazing for a Blogger
Themeforest's Quicky is a clean and elegant template for blogger. It is
highly customizable and has easy to use navigation throughout the post
and archive pages. It has new standards of HTML5 and CSS3. Its main
focus is user experience, usability and of course flexible interface. It
is perfect for portfolio or photography blogs
Sevida is a highly professional template. It is sophisticated and has a
lot of quality gadgets. You just name it and they already have that
feature. Sevida is highly responsive and you got to believe me, it is a
must have template for blogspot owners.
Elice is a Free and elegant looking theme with lots of custom opt-in
form on the home as well as the top of the sidebar. It is fast loading
and highly SEO friendly. it comes with custom backgrounds, custom
widgets and features images.
9. Cody:
Themeforest's Cody is a highly user friendly blogger template designed
by humans. Being a blogger user, this theme gives you the experience of
WordPress with its simple and clean color navigation menu, sliders and
tab ready widgets.
ResponsiveT is another simple yet highly responsive template for blogs,
business websites and agencies. It has jQuery widgets and custom
widgets. It comes with a simple color but it can be customized greatly
through its robust customization feature.
We hope this list of responsive Blogger themes may have helped you in choosing the perfect template for your website.
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